
Coordinates all work of the association, leads all meetings, liaison with principal, represents local PTA as council delegate, meets regularly with officers and chairs, member of executive board, check signer. Serves in all areas as needed.

  • Time Commitment: Attends all meetings and events, several hours per week.

  • Skills: Strong written and verbal communication skills, leadership, organization, time management.

  • Job Location: Home and school.

  • Responsible For: All officers and committees.

Social Committee

  • Time Commitment: Several hours per week, includes weekend events

  • Skills: Varied. Creative and/or enthusiastic.

  • Job Location: Home and school.

  • Responsible For: Organizing and executing social events

Room Rep Lead

Time Commitment: Several hours per month

  • Skills: Strong written and verbal communication skills, organization, time management.

  • Job Location: Home and school.

  • Responsible For: All Room Reps